Monthly Archive: July 2024

”Strategic”… you keep using that word…

It seems more and more we’re seeing ‘strategic’ (or ‘strategy’) added to everything project-related (much like ‘Agile’ is) –  Strategic Project Management Strategic Project Managers Strategic Projects Strategic PMOs And I get it, we all want to feel that our work is *important* and provides value. ’Strategy’ is much sexier...

Positive Risk vs Opportunity

I’ve never been a fan of the idea of ‘positive’ risk.  It’s a niche idea only found inside the risk and project management communities, and goes against every definition, and the general public’s usage, of the word ‘risk’.

Scope Change vs Scope Creep…. Predictive vs Adaptive

Several posts recently on LinkedIn have made some interesting, and incorrect, claims regarding ‘scope’ in project management. A few of these have suggested that project mgmt views *all* changes to scope as bad (scope ‘creep’), and that this is why ‘adaptive’ approaches were necessary – to accept that scope *will*...